Porsche Club Of America



2018 Autocross School at Verona

By Author: Jim Condon

The 2018 autocross school began on a nice bright sunshiny April 14 morning following an unusually cold and gray early spring. Rick Ebinger brought his new and very green truck with the autocross supplies box and set up an autocross course marked with numerous cones and flour lines to guide novice drivers. Professor Ebinger also delivered the autocross lecture and led the track walk for autocross students.

Two exercises were set up inside the autocross course: a braking box and a slalom. Drivers were separated into two groups so both exercises could be run simultaneously. That left enough time that everybody got many runs on the full autocross course during the afternoon. Erik Boody set up the starting lights and timer so drivers could monitor their progress, but no times were recorded. The first “official” autocross at Verona is scheduled for May 12.

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