A Shenandoah PCA event can be the highlight of your upcoming Memorial Day weekend. Please join us in front of the Glenmore Country Club(1750 Piper Way, Keswick, VA 22947) from 11 am through 3 PM, Monday May 27th. We will display our awesome rides in the parking lot of the Glenmore Community Clubhouse at a special designated parking area for a show and tell.
At 12:30pm we will have available lunch in the clubhouse, or weather permitting, on the beautiful new deck overlooking the golf course. Attendees are responsible for their own dining and drink costs. An outside cash bar in the display area will be available for all beverages.
Please register so we can plan the event and allow you access to the Glenmore Country Club through the front security gate. Unregistered drive-ups will not be permitted access. Registration for this event will end on Friday , May 24th..
Jeffrey A. Elmore, Shenandoah PCA President