2011–2012 Officer Elections: The Shenandoah Region Election Committee has proposed a slate of officers to serve during 2011 and 2012. Their candidates are Sherry Westfall (president), Andy Turner (vice president), Pam Ebinger (secretary), and Bob Duntley (treasurer).
Ballots will be distributed as paper inserts in the October issue of the Heat Exchanger. You may also use the printable .pdf copy available here. Only those ballots received in the mail by Herb Distefano, 11100 Emery Lane, Bumpass, VA 23024 not later than October 29 will be counted. The results will be announced at 10 AM on Sunday, October 31 during the Annual Meeting to be held at G&W Motorwerks at 518 West Main Street, Waynesboro, just prior to the Fall Foliage Tour.

October Social/Business Dinner Meeting at Photoworks: Geoff and Mike Kilmer, fellow Shenandoah members and owners of Photoworks Creative Group, hosted our October 12 meeting at their facility at 700 West Rio Road in Charlottesville. Gary Hagar of Durty Nelly’s Pub prepared an excellent dinner buffet with pulled pork and chicken BBQ, Brunswick stew, cole slaw, red-skinned potato salad, deviled eggs, a variety of drinks, plus carrot cake and chocolate chip cookies for dessert. The “Gang of Four” officer nominees were lined up and shot in the Photoworks studio (photo above). Goeff Kilmer gave us all a fascinating tour of Photoworks and all of the impressive machinery they have to make huge photo prints and displays. If you want a really big photo of your Porsche, they can produce it for you!

Euroclassics/Shenandoah Region PCA 9th Annual Driver Education Day At VIR: Mark Cooke of Euroclassics Porsche and the Shenandoah Region PCA ran this popular one-day DE at Virginia International Raceway (VIR) near Danville, VA for the ninth consecutive year on October 11 (Columbus day). There were three run groups based on driving experience. The “yellow” group for drivers who are new to the track followed a pace car driven by Wayne Hall of Euroclassics. Passing was allowed in the two upper run groups (“red” and “white”) for experienced and advanced drivers.
Alex Smith arranged perfect fall weather for the day—not to hot, not too cold, and always sunny. Rick Ebinger was the chief instructor, and there were plenty of instructors available for beginners and experts alike. Eric Boody was the safety chairman and only had to talk with a few drivers about spins and offs. Quite a few new drivers were introduced to the track. Most of the cars were Porsches, but supplemented by the usual suspects from Lotus, Mazda, BMW, and Ferrari. David Few showed up with a 2008 Cayman S track car and is getting much faster. Most everyone went home with Euroclassic shirts and caps and gloves from OG Racing. Burleigh’s Body Shop generously gave a $250 dinner gift certificate to a lucky winner. CDOC gave away a credit for a new helmet won by Jim Condon, and Concours in Richmond (owned by driver Dave Cottrell) gave a $250 complete detail job to a fortunate winner. Synergy Racing was there in full force with four of their 997-based race cars…thank you Kerrigan.

Porsches & Pastrami: Sunday October 3 turned out to be a cool but mostly sunny day for this month’s Porsches & Pastrami. Gary Hagar served his usual great fare at Durty Nelly’s. After lunch, Sherry led nine Porsches on a drive through hilly country roads in western Albemarle County, looping around to the east and ending up at Ash Lawn, the home of President Monroe.

The 26th annual Classics on the Green European Automobile Festival at the was held at the New Kent Winery in New Kent, VA between 10 AM and 4 PM on a warm and sunny Sunday, September 19. This year’s featured car was the Porsche. Robert Overholser of Lufteknic organized a great display of white Porsches, illustrating all major models from the 356 to the present. Pat Daily’s “Fast Frieda” was among them. Drew Donaldson parked his gray 911 and Malcolm Hopker his “VA BRIT” 996 by the Lufteknic tent. Dave Cottrell displayed his blue 356C coupe and his Panamera at the Concours Detailing tent. Shenandoah members entering their Porsches in the concours included Bruce Russell (red 1984 Carrera Targa), Jeffrey Elmore (silver 2000 Boxster S), and Dick Pitman (red 1961 356B cab).

Shenandoah’s 15th Anniversary Party at Lake Anna: The 15th Anniversary of the founding of the PCA Shenandoah Region in August 1995 was celebrated on Saturday, August 14. The festivities began at 10 AM with a driving tour led by Herb Distefano starting from the Exxon Station/Pit Stop on the north side of the Gum Spring exit 159 off I-64.
The first stop was the Lake Anna Nuclear Power Station, which is a two-nuclear-generator facility that has been in operation for more than 35 years. We were given an informative tour on the history and operation of the plant.
The second leg of the tour crossed Lake Anna several times en route to the home of Herb Distefano, where our Porsches were parked near the waterfront (photo above). An excellent no-charge catered lunch was served under the tents alongside the lake, followed by two birthday cakes and ice cream. The People’s Choice award and a bottle of wine went to Scott and Tana Kaefer for their white (multiyear composite) long-nose Carrera. Howie Dunbrack gave high-speed rides on the lake in his 270 hp jet boat, and three pontoon boats took us on tours of the lake up to the power plant.

Porsches & Pastrami: The August 1 Porsches & Pastrami began with a deli lunch served by Gary Hagar at Durty Nelly’s in Charlottesville. Then we drove to the Taylor & Boody organ factory in a renovated school building near Staunton, where they showed and demonstrated their latest tracker organ. Special features include unusual embossed pipes and electronically controlled stops, although the key action is still mechanical. Member and Safety Chairman Erik Boody is a designer there.

Green Bank and Cass Scenic Railroad Tour: The Shenandoah and Blue Ridge regions led a two-day tour to the Green Bank Telescope (GBT) near Green Bank, WV on Saturday, July 24 and to the Cass Scenic Railroad on July 25. The tour began at Pesto near Crozet, and there was a pickup point in Churchville, just a few miles west of Staunton, VA. A total of 60 people showed up on Saturday, so we broke up into three run groups to enjoy at various speeds the seriously curvy and hilly road over three mountain ranges into West Virginia. We arrived at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory facility at noon and lined up to park in front of the Science Center (photo above), where we were served a buffet lunch.
After lunch, three groups of 20 people each were shown around the electronics lab by engineer John Ford and the telescope control room by radio astronomer Jim Condon. Then we saw a video about radio astronomy, picked up hard hats, and took two buses down to the GBT itself. The GBT mirror is 330 feet in diameter, and the overall height of the telescope is about 470 feet. The telescope can be pointed to any direction on the sky to track radio emission from astronomical sources, and the moving weight of over 16 million pounds is supported by 16 steel wheels running on a level circular track. The mirror consists of about 2,000 panels kept within 1/100 inch of a perfect paraboloid by computer-controlled adjusting screws.
About 20 people stayed overnight near Snowshoe and took the Cass Scenic Railroad ride to the Whittaker Station logging camp on Sunday. The Shay steam locomotives ride on gear-driven trucks that can handle the sharp curves, irregular tracks, and steep grades typical of logging railroads on mountains. They are slow (12 mph maximum) but get the job done. Some of us also took advantage of free passes to ride the ski lifts at Snowshoe and use the paddle boats on the artificial lake used to supply water for the snow machines in winter.

Zone 2 ran its Rumble at the Oak Tree club race and advanced DE at VIR on a sunny but scorching hot Friday–Sunday June 25–27. The paddock temperature exceeded 100 F on Saturday and Sunday afternoons. About 1600 bottles of cold water were handed out by the Zone 2 event organizers, and DE drivers were given a dispensation to wear short-sleeved shirts. Even so, two race drivers required emergency medical treatment for heat exhaustion.
Small regions like ours don’t have the personnel or money to run such big events by themselves, but they can still contribute. A number of Blue Ridge Region members worked to direct traffic at the false grid. Emmett Richardson and Jim Condon from the Shenandoah Region helped with the DE tech inspections, and Sherry Westfall was a “gofer” driving a golf cart as needed to deliver water and ice, direct traffic for the charity laps, and hand out water bottles to drivers coming off the track.
Shenandoah’s Scott Leopold of Werkstatt drove a Spec Boxster in the “black” race group. The photo above shows the black group at the end of the front straight on the starting lap of a sprint race. Note the black 944 near the back, trailing a cloud of dust because it was crowded off the track in this high-speed traffic jam. Many Shenandoah Region drivers got an amazing amount of track time (about seven hours for those hardy enough to use it all) in the advanced DE: “Mad Mel” Brannan, Jim Condon, Emmett Richardson, and David and Erin Israel. First Settlers drivers from Richmond included Carl Gerster, Scott Riesenweaver, Steve Sarfaty, and Bud Syme. The Israels were kind enough to bleed Jim Condon’s brakes after they went soft in the Saturday afternoon heat.

RPM: Once again Alex Smith arranged sunny weather for the RPM concours on Saturday, June 5 at the home of Howard and Leeanne Faunce. A huge number of Porsches decorated the lawn, highlighted by an unusually attractive group of 356’s. Other notable cars included a Carrera GT, a new Boxster Spyder, an electric blue Tesla, and an Arial Atom. After lunch at the “Cafe Carrera”, many left for a tour of Agecroft Hall and then a tech session at Euroclassics. At the awards dinner in the evening, Jack Bair spoke about the creation of the Porsche 911 Club Coupe, and Dick Pitman won the first annual Gay Jewett Award for the “people’s choice” car, his 356 recently restored by Lufteknic.

First Settlers Region DE and PCA National Instructor Clinic at VIR: The weather was perfect for the clinic and advanced DE on Friday, May 21. Saturday and Sunday were open to all for a DE and a “taste of the track”, a single instructed run session for those interested in DE but not yet willing to sign up for a full weekend. Shendandoah member Malcolm Hopker (the VA BRIT) drove his first DE successfully in the green group (photo). Congratulations, Malcolm!
The Shenandoah Region and the Richmond contingent from First Settlers were well represented in all run groups, and everybody managed to stay out of trouble. Mark Francis was there without his car as a representative of OG Racing. He let some of us try a new movie camera that OG is testing, and he rode a session as an instructor with Jim Condon. Thank you, Mark. Shenandoah members Susan Few and Eric Huggins did the “taste of the track,”, which unfortunately took place during a short rainy spell on Saturday.

Montpelier to Bavarian Chef Drive and Dine: On Saturday, May 8 we visited President James Madison’s home Montpelier, where he wrote the foundation of the US Constitution. Then Dan Graff led us on a drive over some great Porsche roads in Orange, Culpeper, Rappahannock & Madison Counties with a stop at Prince Michel Vineyards and finishing up with a huge dinner at the Bavarian Chef.

Porsches & Pastrami: On May 2 the Porsches & Pastrami crowd met at Durty Nelly’s in Charlottesville. Following a great lunch served by Gary Hagar at the Pub we followed Deane Parker’s very visible orange Boxster S on a driving tour through the rolling pastures and woodlands of southern Albemarle County to the historic town of Scottsville. We parked at Country Blessings Local Foods, which sells Chaps ice cream, just what the doctor ordered for a very warm sunny day. Some of us also visited the Scottsville Museum and its memorabilia and artifacts from this town’s glory days (A new exhibit “Where the River Bends: Scottsville and the James” just opened.) This small museum is one of our local hidden treasures.

Grand Am: The Bosch Engineering 250 Grand-Am race took place at the Virginia International on the weekend of April 23–25. Emmett Richardson was there

Mr. Jefferson’s Journey: On Saturday–Sunday, April 10–11 the Blue Ridge and Shenandoah PCA regions jointly ran a driving tour that followed some of the footsteps of Virginia’s own Thomas Jefferson. The tour started in the Crozet area at the Pesto Mediterranean Grill. It was a perfect Porsche driving day: the sun was shining, the temperature was moderate, and spring was in the air. Shenandoah’s Deane Parker led the group west through some of the narrow and winding (but paved) roads of rural Albemarle County and then headed south at Afton onto the Blue Ridge Parkway and finally to Lynchburg’s historic district for lunch at The Depot Grille.
In the afternoon Jerry Hampton of the Blue Ridge Region took over and led the troops to Jefferson’s more private and personal retreat, Poplar Forest, where we had a private guided tour of our former U.S. president’s home. Finally, Jerry took us for some energetic driving on great Porsche roads (he radioed “DE on Route 43” as we approached the Peaks of Otter). We had dinner at the Lake View Restaurant at the Peaks of Otter Lodge. Some stayed overnight and others returned home after dinner.

Zone 2 Driver’s Ed: Zone 2 held a three-day DE event on March 12–14 (Friday through Sunday) using the full course at VIR. Friday was rainy, and the slippery track tripped up many drivers, including Jim Condon who went off after the dreaded slippery spot at turn 6a and customized his 996 with some “Armco Green” paint. Jim and Sherry thank Scott Leopold of Werkstatt for patching up their car with duct tape (see the “more photos” link below) so that they could continue driving for the rest of the weekend. On Friday evening there was an excellent dinner of “Nuremburg Nachos” and a live band played many danceable songs.
The weather improved on Saturday and Sunday. Other Shenandoah drivers were “Mad Mel” Brannan, Emmett Richardson, Scott Leopold, and Hamisch Brookeman. Mark Francis, formerly with CDOC and now with OG Racing, didn’t bring his own car but served as a driving instructor.

First Anniversary Celebration of Porsches & Pastrami started at 1 PM on a warm and sunny Sunday, March 7. It was effectively the first day of spring, and 20 Porsches appeared at Durty Nelly’s Pub and Wayside Deli, many with their tops down and their owners recovering from cabin fever after this winter’s record snowfall (see photo).
To celebrate the first year of Porsches & Pastrami, Gary Hagar treated us to a complimentary lunch of pulled pork and chicken BBQ with all the fixin’s. Afterward Johnny Johnson (in his black 1974 Carrera Targa) led us on a spirited backrounds drive ending at Monticello and the Thomas Jefferson Visitor and Smith Education centers.

The first Social/Business Meeting of 2010 began at 10 AM on Saturday, February 13 in Gordonsville at Overstreet European Motors. Owner Paul Overstreet, a well-known Porsche mechanic in our region, gave a very useful talk about what we need to do to prepare our Porsches for spring. Steve Heim reported guidelines set up by the new charity committee and said that the next step will be to recommend specific charities and charitable events. At noon most of us headed down Main Street for lunch at the historic Toliver House Restaurant.

Annual Meeting: Our annual planning meeting on January 24 to set the club’s 2010 calendar started with an excellent lunch at the Basil Mediterranean Bistro, courtesy of fellow member Raif Antar, his two servers, and his chef. Afterward, we talked about and selected the activities that we will host and participate in during the upcoming year.

Gay Jewett, Longtime Shenandoah Region PCA Member, Has Passed Away: The Shenandoah Region is saddened to announce that Gay Jewett passed away on January 6th after a short battle with cancer. Our heartfelt best wishes go out to her husband Bryce and their entire family at this difficult time.
A memorial service was held at the First Presbyterian Church at 4602 Cary Street Road in Richmond on January 11, followed by a reception. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to First Presbyterian Church at the above address, or the Collegiate School, 103 North Mooreland Road, Richmond, Va. 23229.
The following is a memorial written by close friend and fellow Shenandoah PCA member Alex Smith:
In Memoriam–Gay Jewett: Long-time club member and consummate volunteer Gay Jewett died recently (January 6, 2010) of cancer. She will be missed by all of us. When I was president of the club in ’98, one of the first things I did was to recruit Gay as our treasurer. Our club was still very new in those days and our financial stability was in question. What little money we had, the amount and its whereabouts at times were a mystery because of several part-time in and out treasurers.
All of that changed when Gay got her hands on our books. She was a numbers person and asked the hard questions when it came to expenses. For nearly ten years, she kept us straight and our modest treasury grew. Gay was vital to the success of R.P.M. She up until last year kept the event registration, paid our bills, ordered and delivered autocross lunches to the track. She also helped with the reminders for sponsors and advertisers’ bills and statements. I greatly relied on Gay to handle the business side of R.P.M.–I will greatly miss her.
Her love of Porsches goes way back with her husband Bryce. They ordered a 1971 911T from the factory while he was stationed in Germany in the army and brought it back with them. Years later they purchased an ’87 summer yellow 911SC Cabriolet, a beautiful car now owned by Joe Buttner of Richmond. Their current Porsche is a beautiful dark red 993 (911) purchased from Weldon Scrogham ten years ago. (It just happens to be the same color as their first 911.)
Gay wasn’t just a treasurer, she was a friend to all of us new and old. She drove these cars well and often (until grandchildren and car seats took over), and she participated in tours and a rally or two. In 1998 Gay and Bryce went with Gail and me to the 50/50 at Watkins Glen–one of the first of the big Porsche events celebrating 50 years of the Glen and 50 years of Porsche. These pictures are from that event. I’ll say it again–she will be missed.
Alex Smith