Porsche Club Of America



Christmas Party at Michie Tavern

The Shenandoah Region celebrated Christmas with a party on Sunday, December 4 at the historic Michie Tavern. Boxster owner and region member Sam Morris was our host, and he made sure that everyone had plenty of southern fried chicken, ham, green beans, beets, potatoes, etc., plus apple cobbler with ice cream for dessert. Rick Ebinger announced the final results for the 2011 autocross season: Jeffrey Elmore won his class (P05) and the “autocrosser of the year” award. Rick led the I01 class again, Mike Kilmer (13 points) squeaked by Eric Huggins (12 points) in the hotly contested P03 class, Emmett Richardson dominated P04, and Sherry Westfall was the fastest woman (Oops!…”lady”). Sherry gave a brief president’s report and concluded the evening by drawing names of door-prize winners. 

Porsches at the Saratoga Automobile Museum, by Gregg Glassner:

If you happen to be in the Albany, N.Y. area, I would heartily recommend a stop at the Saratoga Automobile Museum in Saratoga Springs —especially if you can make your visit before January 31, 2012.

I have been to this museum twice in the past two years and it has excellent exhibits, including the current one, “Porsche: 60 Years of Speed and Style in North America.”

Up in the area for a family wedding in August, I went to the museum for its Italian car exhibition and met the new museum director, Taylor Wells (photo on left). It’s a small world. He used to work at Channel 6 in Richmond and live in Montpelier, where he terrorized the local residents and constabulary in his homebuilt VW dune buggy.

After he learned of my affinity for German cars, Wells filled me in on the new Porsche exhibit, which opened October 1.

Porsche Cars North America and New Country Porsche of Clifton Park and Porsche of Greenwich collaborated on this exhibit, which features 16 interesting Porsches for road and track, including the Porsche 910 that won the 1967 Nurburgring 1000 km, on loan from the Collier Museum in Naples, Florida.

American Joe Buzzetta and co-driver Udo Schultz provided the Porsche factory with perhaps its most sentimental win on home soil in 1967, a race Porsche factory drivers had been trying to win for a decade.

Now a successful businessman, with six auto dealerships on Long Island, Buzzetta was a factory Porsche driver in the 1960s and 1970s. His personal collection includes a Porsche 904, 906, 907, 908 and a 910, all beautifully restored. Buzzetta’s Porsche 904 and 906, as well as a 908 engine are also on display in Saratoga.

Former Porsche / SCCA / IMSA competitor Bob Bailey, a museum trustee, is loaning cars for the exhibit, as is Paul Plugfelder, whose Porsche 959, 914-6GT and 911 RS are on display. Porsche Cars North America brought the new Porsche 918RSR racecar for the opening of the exhibit, and was adding several cars from the Porsche Museum after Rennsport, a 961 and the LeMans winning GT-1.

The Porsche display will occupy the Museum until January 31, 2012. Members of Porsche clubs are welcome and will be offered a discounted admission. Call for details and group rates.

Along with the feature exhibition the museum has on display “East of Detroit, Cars Made in NY” and several significant cars with New York ties, including “Poison Lil,” the Maserati V8R1 that won at Watkins Glen in 1949 and 1951 and an equally rare 1956 Ferrari Indy car (try that one out for size, fans of racing trivia).

The Saratoga Automobile Museum is located at 110 Avenue of the Pines, Saratoga Springs, N.Y. Hours of operation during the fall and winter months are Tuesday–Sunday, 10 AM to 5 PM.


Fall Foliage Tour 2011

Snow in the Shenandoah Valley on October 30 forced a one-week postponement of Phil and Susie Audibert’s sixth annual Fall Foliage tour. It was actually run on a brilliantly sunny November 6. We started with a reception hosted by Phyllis and Weldon Scrogam in the fabulous G&W Motorwerkes showroom in Waynesboro. President Sherry Westfall also led a short business meeting to announce a suspension in the publication of our newsletter, the Heat Exchanger, for cost reasons. Webmaster Jim Condon presented options for the web site to compensate for this loss.

Then we left G&W in a long line of (mostly) Porsches, escorted out of town by a Waynesboro police car, drove through the the more scenic parts of rural Shenandoah valley, and ended up at Massanutten Mountain, where we had an all-you-can-eat buffet at the Fareways restaurant.

Please Help—Volunteers Needed
by Gary Hagar:

I joined Shendandoah PCA in 2006 and have really liked meeting new people, learning about the cars, and most of all the enjoying great friendships I have with many members.

The club depends on us giving our time so all of the events that we have throughout the year are covered by volunteers helping out. This may include getting waivers signed, registration, helping with autocross—and the list goes on. I have heard that in Germany and other European countries some of the officers of the regions get paid for time they give to their clubs.

It really has been a lot of fun being a part of our region, and we all can enjoy the wonderful events. But, please, think about giving some of your time to help us out even for a few hours. It can really make a difference and make it more enjoyable for all. Let Sherry know with a short email (to vscapes@cstone.net) the next time you can give a hand—it sure will be appreciated by all.

Russ’s Ramblings

By Bruce Russell



By now, most of you are aware of the situation with the publication and mailing of the Heat Exchanger.  The HE is an award winning and professionally published newsletter that all of us here in Shenandoah Region should be proud of.  Unfortunately, the slick, glossy, color publication came at a price that was unsustainable by our medium-sized PCA Region.  I applaud our President and Board for making the difficult decision to cease the costly publication and mailing of the HE.  I am certain they will find a suitable alternative that will provide us the same Region news and information in a timely fashion.


I would generalize that the majority of PCA Regions that publish the attractive glossy, color newsletters/magazines are larger Regions with revenue sources other than the Region subsidy obtained from PCA National.  In many cases the additional revenue comes from Driver’s Education events hosted by the respective regions.  I was Treasurer and on the Board of Schattenbaum Region for 6 years.  We ran 7 or 8 Driver’s Education events and a Club Race each year.  The revenues we received from those two activities alone provided the funds for our monthly magazine and numerous social events for our members.  The social events, including a very extravagant Holiday Party/Dinner/Dance, were provided at a very nominal cost to our members (i.e. $10/couple) because we used profits from our track program to support the other activities of the Region.


I am not suggesting that Shenandoah Region become a Driver’s Education focused Region; just making an observation.  To sustain 7 or 8 DE events in a year takes a very large time commitment from a strong and active DE Committee of at least 5 or 6 dedicated members.


Shenandoah does have an active Auto-X program that is very popular; could we raise the registration fee and still maintain an exciting and attractive program?  Another question the Board could address is the financial goal of RPM; should RPM be a money maker, a money loser, or revenue neutral?  I do not have the answer to those questions, just providing some “food for thought”.  Running a PCA Region is not unlike running a small not-for-profit business where your cash income needs to match your cash expenses.  Sounds simple, but in reality it is much more complex and every PCA Region’s Board must deal with those complexities.


Enough on that ramble.


Earlier this year, I became a volunteer officer with my local police department.  I am a deputized volunteer who assists regular police officers with accidents, broken-down vehicles, crowd control and anything else they need me to do.  I go on patrol a couple of days each week, I wear a uniform and drive a police vehicle with police radios and equipment; I don’t go to serious criminal situations since I do not carry a weapon.  I patrol the county roads and interstate highways around Richmond.  It is a lot of fun, rewarding, and allows me to give something back to my community.  Plus, all the little children in my neighborhood love it when I stop by and turn on the multi-colored lights.


In early October, all the police officers (including volunteer officers) went through refresher Car Control Clinic training.  We did this training at Richmond International Raceway.  Let me digress and say I used to be an avid PCA auto-crosser in my old 911S and actually got pretty good at it.  Driving a Ford Crown Victoria Police Interceptor on an Auto-X course that is very similar to a PCA course is something to behold!!!  I had them running for the grandstands and laughing until they cried; I knocked cones into downtown Richmond!  Wow, that Crown Vic does not handle and drive the same line as a 911.


When you spin a 911 on an Auto-X circuit, it makes a quarter or half revolution and stops.  Not so with the Crown Vic; it goes around a full 360 degrees (or more) due to its sheer mass and weight.  Once I learned the proper line for the “4500 lb. beast”, things settled down and I actually got around the course fairly quickly.  Despite my rapid improvement on the course, I received a lot of good-natured ribbing and heckling from the patrol officers.


Next year, I will drive my Carrera to the car-control clinic and show them what a sports car will do on the course.  The little red 2700 lb. product of German engineering will rip around the RIR course so fast they will think they were watching the greyhounds run at the Palm Beach Kennel Club!  That might be a slight exaggeration, but that is my plan so stay tuned.


Have you ever noticed when you are out driving your Porsche you suddenly have a lot of “competitive drivers” that want to challenge you to some form of speed contest?  Is it me, or does every 20 year old male in his “wannabe” race-car want to push your “Go” button.  The ones I love are the soccer dads driving the family mini-van that have suddenly transformed into Vic Elford at the controls of a Porsche 917.  I once had some middle-aged gent in a mini-van darn near lose control trying to keep up with me on an exit ramp.  I actually slowed down because I seriously believe he would have spun trying to catch me.


In the years driving my Porsche, I have come to two generalizations about non-Porsche drivers.  1) They can all go fast (to a point) in a straight line, especially between suburban stop-lights.  2) They have no clue how to control a car in the “twisties”; they just disappear in your rear-view mirror.  Note that these axioms do not apply in Germany for obvious reasons; can you spell AUTOBAHN?


A friend and I went out for a drive yesterday to the west of Richmond.  My friend is a former SCCA track guy and now owns a 1966 Corvette convertible that is a beauty.  We had our tops down to enjoy the cool, crisp fall air on a beautiful crystal clear day.  We are always cognizant of our speed and always stay within that 5-8 mph buffer allowed by the police; except on freeway ramps where we do push the envelope a bit.  On this drive out in the central Virginia countryside, we returned home via I-64.  There is an elevated fly-over bridge in Short Pump that you take when going from I-64 East to I-295 East.  The elevated bridge is a long sweeping left-hander that is a lot of fun at speed if there is no traffic. 


A young man in a small Toyota started running with us a mile or two before that sweeping left-handed bridge.  I thought to myself, “Oh brother, here we go again”.  He would run up beside us like he was going to blow our doors off, and then fall back to taunt us again.  We were running about 70 going onto the bridge; we then picked up the pace “a bit”.  I have to hand it to the young man because he did his best to keep up, but it was not to be.  By the time we apex’ed the sweeping left-hander, the Toyota was but a fond memory.  I asked myself if he really thought he could keep up, or was he just oblivious to the cornering power of real sports cars?


I do have a “developing story” that could result in some interesting future Rambles.  Our oldest son who attended the Savannah Parade with us is now interested in buying a 914.  I know very little about 914’s, but I am beginning to do my research.  More on this as the story develops.


OK, enough rambling for this month.  I have no tales of technical prowess or engineering wizardry this month (or lack there of) so I will conclude with a fond “Adieu”.


Drive safe.

November History Quiz by Harry Kennison:

The monthly history quiz that used to appear in the Heat Exchanger now appears online. Here are the questions only, and here are the questions with the answers.

Euroclassics/Shenandoah Region PCA 10th Annual Driver Education Day At VIR: Mark Cooke of Euroclassics Porsche and Alex Smith of the Shenandoah Region PCA organized the tenth running of this popular one-day DE at Virginia International Raceway (VIR) on Monday, October 10. Erik Boody and Rick Ebinger made sure the cars were safe and the drivers learned how to navigate the track. Drivers were divided among three run groups based on their driving experience: the “yellow” group for drivers who are new to the track or have limited driving time, “red” for more experienced drivers, and “white” for advanced drivers. Instructors were available at no charge to give newer drivers a few driving tips and teach them the line of the track.

The driving weather was perfect, and everybody got plenty of track time (6 half-hour sessions). Many new faces and cars were seen at the track, and we hope some will come back for more now that they know what it is like to drive fast. Check out the photos of most via the link below, and don’t miss the Mercedes with the giraffe on top!

Classics on the Green, as reported by Gregg Glassner:

Because last year’s featured marque was Porsche, I didn’t expect to find that many of Stuttgart’s finest at this year’s Classics on the Green Car European Automobile Festival September 18 at New Kent Winery.

The 2011 featured marques were the cars of Donald Healey, and there was a representative array of Nash Healeys, Austin-Healeys, and Jensen Healeys, although no Healey Silverstones.

The Porsches that were on display did not disappoint, however.

Porsche had its own hill on the rolling golf course, dominating a sand trap in which even avid golfers would be happy to spend a few minutes.

PCA Shenandoah Region member Dick Pitman displayed his immaculate 1961 356B Cabriolet, straight from his first place win in the 356 class at the June RPM meet. He was on hand to regale car show visitors with facts and anecdotes about his car. (Dick’s 356B also graced the cover of the July 2011 Heat Exchanger)

PCA First Settlers Region member Sam Gassel had his very blue Porsche 911 RSR Penske Sunoco tribute car in a special display of racing cars. It was the only Porsche in a gaggle of MGs, Triumphs, Austin Healeys, Fiats, etc., along with a nice Alfa Romeo GTV and a very rare French Deutsch-Bonnet that raced at Sebring in the 1950s.

Over on Porsche Hill there was a good representation of 356s, 911s, 914s and even a 928, but no 944s, I’m afraid. (I always use the excuse that mine is “not concours quality,” but maybe some year I’ll do a decent detailing on it.)

This show was originally for British cars only when it was held on Brown’s Island in downtown Richmond. Then one year they let the Ferraris in and it now boasts a nice array of all European marques.

Reggie and Cindy Nash of Richmond stole the Healey show with their twin Nash Healeys, one a 1951 with British bodywork and the other a 1953 with the svelte Pinin-Farina coachwork.

One of the Healey stalwarts donned an old set of coveralls and pith helmet, seized the microphone, and amused show-goers with his impression of Sir Donald, complete with back-from-the-grave humor and encyclopedic knowledge of all things Healey.

Classics on the Green, as reported by Dick Pitman:

The 27th Classics On The Green European Automobile Festival sponsored by the Central Virginia British Car Club was held on September 18 at the New Kent Winery. This is just a few miles East of Richmond off I-64. If you haven’t shown your Porsche at this show, it is well worth the time, not to mention the FUN that you will have! Put it on your schedule. It is always in September and EVERYONE gets to vote on their favorite car in each class!

The weather this year was very hospitable IF you remember being on the desert last year. It was cool and over cast, but not cold—just nice.

As many of you know, last year Porsche was the featured Marque. For 2011 “The Cars Of Donald Healy” was selected. Many classic European cars from Ferrari, Jaguar, Rolls Royce, MG, Morgan, Aston Martin, and others were in attendance. There were probably over 300 cars on display on the New Kent Winery driving range (that’s as in golf—not VIR).

What was really neat to me were the 22 vintage race cars that all arrived together making a lap of the show grounds and were parked so folks could walk around them, talk to their owners, and schmooze over these classics. Talk about memories! I love it!

I counted only 14 Porsches registered to be shown this year. We had our own area located on a golf green. There were other Porsches in attendance; however, they were located by vendors’ tents. Alex Smith from The Shenandoah Region was in attendance with his very pretty 2009 Carerra S, as was Dick Pitman with his 1961 Roadster.

As you arrive on the show grounds, the driving range opens up onto a pastoral setting of many classic cars all arranged into their linage! If you’re not into vintage cars stay home!

The event included live music all day, a silent auction of automobile items, wine tasting (for a fee), the National Anthem sung by singer-songwriter Susan Greenbaum, and, in the early afternoon, a presentation by Donald Healy of his cars, a hot air balloon, and the awards presentation with the winning cars being driven by their owners to receive their awards!

The displayed Porsches were broken into two groups: Early and Late Models.

I took a few pictures (below) so you can get an idea of the show if you haven’t been there. Also, here is a link to more photos. Please come and show your Porsche with us and wear your Shenandoah Region attire. Next years marque will be Rolls Royce and Bentley. Maybe the Queen will be in one of them!

Shenandoah’s 16th Anniversary Party at Lake Anna: We celebrated the Shenandoah Region’s 16th Anniversary on Saturday, August 20. This year we had two driving tours. Lynne Taylor led two groups of about eight cars each that started from the west at Kohr Brothers Frozen Custard store near Charlottesville. Steve McCaughan and Susan Bryant led the tour that began at the Gum Spring Pit Stop Exxon near the west end of Richmond. Both tours ended around noon at the beautiful lakeside home of Shenandoah member and host Herb Distefano.

We parked our Porsches in the sunshine on the lawn near the waterfront and ate a catered lunch served under a tent overlooking Lake Anna. After lunch Prez Sherry Westfall led a brief Shenandoah board meeting that was followed by cake and ice cream, a people’s-choice car show (won by Dick Pitman’s recently restored 356 sporting shiny new wheels, shown in the photo on the left), door prizes, and pontoon boat rides on Lake Anna.

Porsche Parade 2011: More than 750 registered Porsches and twice as many people showed up for the 2011 Porsche Parade in Savannah, GA. Registration began on Sunday, July 31, and there was an afternoon reception for Zone 2 members. Sunday was also the day before the concours, so a lot of car preparation went on in the big Savannah International Trade and Conference Center adjacent to the Westin, the official Parade hotel.

The biggest Parade event was Monday’s concours at Forsyth Park in historic Savannah (see rows two through ten of the photos at the page linked below). The 1971 911T that Porsche in Stuttgart had restored for the PCA national raffle was unveiled. Hundreds of race cars, performance cars, old cars, new cars, modified cars, and one-offs (check out the 914 pickup truck) were displayed throughout the Park and on nearby squares with fountains and Live Oak trees dripping with Spanish Moss.

Later in the week, Sherry and I went on the tour to Brumos Porsche in Jacksonville, FL. We bought a Brumos license-plate frame for our Cayman S, which was sold new by Brumos, and then visited the Brumos racing shop, autosport restoration shop, and the private Brumos museum. Unfortunately, no photos were permitted in the museum, which is filled with spectacular cars. If you are ever given a chance to visit, take it. We drove in the gimmick rally to Beaufort and on the tour to Jekyll Island, former vacation home of the very rich. On the final Saturday, we drove in the Parade of Porsches through Savannah and nearby areas. Unfortunately, after a week of mostly sunny (albeit even more warm and humid than Charlottesville in August) weather, it rained on our Parade, as you can see from the photos.

The PCA newsletter and website awards were announced at the Rally dinner, and the Shenandoah Region won second prizes in both categories.

Fourth Annual “Rumble at the Oak Tree”: PCA Zone 2 hosted this three-day club race and advanced DE event on June 24–26 using the full course at (VIR). DE registration was limited to advanced solo black and red drivers, plus a limited number of solo white run group drivers with VIR experience. The weather was a bit warm (up to 90F in the paddock) but otherwise perfect for the whole weekend. There were about 70 club racers and 53 DE drivers, so the club racers were separated into only two run groups and drivers in the one DE group got a huge amount of track time, about 8 hours. Our Region was represented by DE drivers Mark Cooke and Alex Smith sharing a yellow Synergy 997, Hamisch Brookeman getting faster in his Cayman S, David Israel (set-up 993), and Jim Condon, whose 1999 996 suffered a punctured right front tire on Saturday morning. Fortunately the DE Chair, Brian Minkin (whose car and trailer are shown in the upper photo) kindly provided a pair of wheels with Hankooks so Jim could continue for the rest of the weekend. The bottom photo shows Sherry Westfall washing windows on their 996 after the front-wheel change. Sherry worked all weekend at the false grid under the roof visible at the top of the lower photo, sorting out race cars and sending them onto the track in the proper order. Rick Ebinger worked as a scrutineer to make sure all of the race cars were safe and legal.

RPM: Alex Smith and a legion of helpers put on the fifteenth annual Richmond Porsche Meet on June 11. Seventy eight very clean Porsches were displayed at the concours on the Faunces’ lawn near the James River. A team of judges led by Dave Lasch picked concours winners Dick Pitman (356), George Michaels (928), Lewis Ward (993), Roger Borsink (996), and Bob Brown (Cayman). The Peoples Choice award went to Chris Acker’s 356. After the Cafe Carrera lunch, Alex Smith was awarded a Porsche hood signed by all presidents, past and present, and many members of the Shenandoah Region, to thank him for creating and running the RPM. 

Next there was a fun run and gimmick rally through the countryside west of Richmond, which ended at Euroclassics Porsche. Euroclassics hosted the tech session to show the new hybrid Cayenne. The final event of the day was a dinner and awards ceremony at the Martin’s Grant clubhouse, and Weldon Scrogham was the featured speaker.

First Settlers Region DE at VIR: The Shenandoah Region contingent was exceptionally large at the FSR event at VIR, May 20–22. Tour co-chairman and former racer Dan Graff chose this weekend to get back into DE with his 911SC “JOHANN”. Three Shenandoah members—Robert Brown, Don Coleman, and Beth McKenney—tried the “taste of the track” on Saturday, and Beth stayed on to drive in green on Sunday. Other Shenandoah Region drivers were Hamish Brookeman, Bates McLain, Fritz Flynn, David Israel, “Mad Mel” Brannan, David and Susan Few, John Kessler, Scott Leopold, Sherry Westfall, and Jim Condon.   

Bavarian Chef Drive and Dine: On May 1 at our tour co-chairs Dan Graff and Bates McLain led us on a tour starting with a wine tasting at the Sweely Estate Winery near Madison, followed by a scenic drive on the winding roads through parts of Madison, Culpeper, and Orange counties, and finishing with a huge German dinner at the Bavarian Chef.

Foreign Affairs Open House: Shenandoah members Michael and Michele Allebaugh held an open house on April 30 to celebrate the sixth anniversary of Foreign Affairs. They gave free service clinics with their Porsche, Mercedes, BMW, and Volvo factory-trained technicians. Many of you know Porsche tech Jonathan Newhall via his spectacular performances driving a ’77 Jaguar XJS with a 454 cubic inch Chevy engine in our autocrosses. There was live music, free pizza, BBQ chicken dinners for purchase, door prizes, and a car wash and bake sale to benefit Relay for Life, which Pam Ebinger helped to organize. A highlight of the event was Weldon and Cole Scrogham’s “father and son” pair of GT3RS’s on display. 

Porsches and Pastrami, Reloaded: The first “reloaded” version of Porsches and Pastrami was arranged by tour chairmen Dan Graff and Bates McLain. We met on April 3 at the Millmont Grille in Charlottesville and had lunch on their patio because the weather was so nice and sunny. After lunch, Bates led a scenic tour through western Albemarle County, ending at the Dairy Queen in Stanardsville.   

Zone 2 DE at VIR: The first DE of the year for most of us is the Zone 2 event at VIR, March 18–20. This is a week later than usual, and the weather was much better than usual, sunny with temperatures in the 70’s and 80’s. Tour co-chairman and former SCCA racer Bates McLain chose this weekend to get back into DE with his SCHWARZ (German for “black”) 944 (see photo), and Dan Graff came down to help as his pit crew. Brand-new DE driver Jim Ottaway got on track with his Boxster, supported by his son Kyle. Hamisch Brookeman was promoted from the blue student group to the solo white group — Congratulations! Other Shenandoah Region drivers were David and Erin Israel, “Mad Mel” Brannan, Scott Leopold of Spec Boxster fame, Sherry Westfall, and Jim Condon.

Reception at Porsche of Charlottesville & Outing to the Highland Maple Festival: On March 12, Porsche of Charlottesville hosted a fine breakfast reception for about 40 of us in their showroom, which also featured a new Carrera GTS, a Ruf GTRS, a 993 cab, and a 356 cab on display. Then Deane Parker led us over Afton Mountain to the Riverside Plaza Shopping Center in Churchville to pick up more people from the western part of our region. We stayed together on the drive to Monterey Highland County, then split up to eat pancakes with maple syrup, tour maple sugar camps, and visit arts and crafts shows.

Tech Session at Concours Auto Detailing: This event started with a short Board meeting at 10 AM on Saturday, February 12. New president Sherry Westfall, new vice president Andy Turner, new Tour chairmen Dan Graff and Bates McLain, and former president Herb Distefano made plans for upcoming tours, autocrosses, and the national Parade. Dave Cottrell, owner of Concours Auto Detailing in Richmond, hosted the main event. He displayed a number of excellent cars in his collection and showed off his brand-new 356 Speedster kit car. His staff demonstrated different aspects of car detailing, wheel repair, dent removal, and the installation of clear film bras. Dave also provided an excellent buffet lunch. About 50 Shenandoah members and guests showed up in an impressive variety of Porsches that overfilled the parking lot.

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