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Fall Fling with the Madison Automotive Apprentices, October 2019
by John Odden

We had 11 cars and 16 members who met in Ruckersville, VA. We ventured over the mountain to Harrisonburg for a beautiful crisp fall morning driving tour. Many of those attending had not driven Rt. 33 West from Ruckersville over the Blue Ridge Mountains. We had some very enthusiastic participants who loved the drive!

Fellow member Engelbert Muelhaupt commented This drive reminded me of the many drives I made through the Black Forest in the Bavarian Alps.

Fellow member Engelbert Muelhaupt commented This drive reminded me of the many drives I made through the Black Forest in the Bavarian Alps.

After lunch we drove to the MAAP facility on the north side of town. This was without question the highlight of the day to see some very unique and valuable Porsches. In the shop was the 2019 Porsche Parade Best in Class and Best in Show 1964 Porsche 356 SC. This car is owned by a Shenandoah Region member and was restored at the MAAP facility.

MAAP is a non-profit organization which is affiliated with James Madison University. Each year they accept student apprentices (who must apply and be selected) to learn and work on restorations as well as motorsports. The focus of the program is Porsche!

After lunch we drove to the MAAP facility on the north side of town. This was without question the highlight of the day to see some very unique and valuable Porsches. In the shop was the 2019 Porsche Parade Best in Class and Best in Show 1964 Porsche 356 SC. This car is owned by a Shenandoah Region member and was restored at the MAAP facility.

MAAP is a non-profit organization which is affiliated with James Madison University. Each year they accept student apprentices (who must apply and be selected) to learn and work on restorations as well as motorsports. The focus of the program is Porsche!

If you are in Harrisonburg, it is worthwhile to stop by and visit MAAP. They are located at 1070 Virginia Avenue, Harrisonburg, VA 22802.

Summer Picnic, August 2019

by Michael Evans

At my first Shenandoah Region Annual Picnic, one of the first and memorable things I heard was Randy Bell refer to the sky as having “a deep autumn blue.” The weather again this year was fine. This years venue was at member Mark Sackson’s Harkaway Farm. We had a large tent to shelter us from sun.

Lunch was being prepared by the Bavarian Chef and turned out delicious. Dessert included peanut butter pie. As Jim Condon would say, “Its not just the cars; its the food.”

A couple members brought their brand new cars. Many Porsches from old to the very newest arrived.

Prizes were raffled out by Membership Chair John Odden. We had a great time at the 2019 Annual Picnic and look forward to next year, which will be an Anniversary party.


Tech Session at the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS)
by John Odden    Posted 2019 May 21

On the last day of April, Shenandoah Region members were provided an opportunity that is not available to the public. We were able to schedule a visit to IIHS for a crash test. After five months of trying to gain entrance through conventional avenues which included the front door, the back door, or any unlocked entrance door, we finally found an avenue to gain entry. Fellow member Ron Perry provided a list of sponsoring insurance agencies. Erie Insurance was on the list. Mike Little of Virginia Insurance Services, an Erie Insurance Agent, was contacted and agreed to request a crash test visit through Erie Insurance.

We had 19 members, four guests, and Mike Little join us for an experience none of us will forget. Upon arrival, we surveyed the crashed vehicles on display in the lobby of IIHS. The most amazing crash test was a 1959 Chevrolet Bel Air and a 2009 Chevrolet Malibu. The purpose of this test was to determine if the older, larger, and heavier car of the 1950’s would provide better occupant protection. The impact was a frontal collision at 37 mph. The results were astonishing! The occupant compartment of the Malibu did not deform. The Bel Air occupants would likely not have survived.

The group was bused to a covered test area where we were able to take the wheel of several different crossover vehicles and test the automatic braking systems. The cars were driven at speeds up to 25 mph into a foam display depicting the rear end of a vehicle. The car’s distance and collision avoidance systems would automatically apply the brakes and stop inches from the foam display. The systems all functioned properly.

We again boarded the bus to be transported to what we all came to see, the crash test. We entered the building and the IIHS technicians were making final checks on the sensors and cameras in preparation for the test on a beautiful new Toyota Camry. It seemed a shame to destroy a brand new vehicle. We were positioned on an elevated landing which provided an outstanding view of the Camry. The countdown began as the hydraulic drive system for the crash sled completed pressurizing. The sled is a four wheeled weighted assembly that replicates an SUV. The crash sled could be heard traveling down the long 3/8 mile corridor toward the impact zone. The crash sled passed directly under the elevated landing on which we were positioned.

We were all focused on the Camry awaiting impact. The crash sled made contact into the driver side front and rear doors. The side window glass shattered and flew 30 feet. The Camry was pushed 35 feet from its original position. We were all amazed at what damage 37 mph can do. The result of this test showed that the crash dummy occupants all survived this crash with no injuries other than being severely shaken. To download Jim Condon’s movie of the crash, click here (91 Megabytes).

IIHS purchases the vehicles they test from retail dealers to insure they receive a standard production vehicle with no special modifications that may improve a car’s crash test results.

At the completion of the photo session beside the totaled Camry, we received an extremely informative tour of IIHS’s testing methods and procedures. We viewed displays of vehicles in a wide variety of different impact points. IIHS has done a tremendous service for the motoring public by driving manufacturers to improve the safety of their vehicles. Most popular vehicles have been crash tested by IIHS. All tested vehicles are rated and the ratings can be viewed on their website.

A very special thank you goes out to Mike Little for providing the Shenandoah Region access to this outstanding facility, an experience we will not forget.

Mike Little’s contact info:

Mike Little
Virginia Insurance Services
Erie Insurance

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